Seven Immediate "TO DOs" After Your South Dakota Motorcycle Accident

An unexpected motorcycle accident can leave you feeling a little bit frazzled. Here are seven “TO DOs” after a South Dakota motorcycle accident to make the situation a little less stressful.

1. Stop your motorcycle and get off 

Make sure that your motorcycle is stopped and turn off the engine. Take a minute to catch your breath. Check to make sure it’s safe to get off your motorcycle.  

2. Stay at the scene

Never leave the scene of a motorcycle accident until it’s appropriate to do so. If you leave, especially when someone has been injured, you may face serious criminal penalties for being a hit-and-run driver.

3. Move to a safe area

If you can, move your motorcycle out of the way. If this isn’t possible, turn on your lights to warn other drivers that your motorcycle isn’t moving any time soon.

4. Check on the others involved

Check on the other persons involved, including drivers, passengers and pedestrians, to make sure no one is hurt. Call 911 if anyone appears to be injured.

5. Call the police

Even in minor motorcycle accidents, a police accident report can be valuable when dealing with insurance companies and other drivers. Cooperate fully and be polite, but avoid admitting fault or blaming others while at the scene. Let the police objectively review the events and determine who, if anyone, was at fault for the accident.

6. Gather information

Try to write down as much information as you can after the motorcycle accident, including:

     ▪ Driver, passenger, and witness names, addresses, and email addresses

     ▪ License plate numbers

     ▪ Insurance company name, policy number, and telephone number for the other motorcycles or vehicles involved

     ▪ Description of motorcycles or vehicles involved (make, model, color)

     ▪ Contact information for any eyewitnesses

     ▪ Location of the accident

     ▪ Name, badge number, and telephone number of any investigating officers

7. Document the scene

If you have a smartphone with a camera, take some pictures of the accident scene. The pictures may come in handy later in the case.